Arondel Family Acquisitions Wiki

Sometime before the Gilded Lilly Party. Many words are reprints of reprints, the originals having been smudged or scrawled out. Numerous small typos abound

Mum and Dad,

Alyss has been giving me writing lessons - though I'm still not very good at it. For instance, is it "Alyss" or "Alys"? She's shown me her name printed a few times, but what does that extra "s" even mean anyway? Moving on, in order to help me write a bit better, she's given me this old diary. Apparently, a lot of people name their diaries, or write in them like they're having some sort of conversation - so I thought I might as well talk to you guys. After all, I used to talk to you all the time before people told me that talking to gravestones was creepy. I didn't think so, really, but I've gotta give a good impression, lest I... imploin? Implode? No, no... Impugn the good name of my gracious host.

Oh, right. Alyss! I'd forgotten to tell you about her before Foamy nearly desecrated your tomb. Thinking back on it, I almost wish she had - you'd have both haunted her good, I'm sure. Her name really isn't Foamy - that's just easier to spell than her actual name. I'm still not sure how to spell it. It sounds like... Eyevory, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong. At least she was just messing around - not like the first time I met Alyss, when she tried to kill me.

It wasn't my fault - well, okay, it sort of was. Okay, it really was. I wasn't looking where I was going, and I bumped right into Alyss as I was leaving the Ascalon Settlement. And who should be right there, but Foamy? I apologized, as you are meant to do when bumping into a lady of standing, but Foamy was having none of it. She knocked me sprawling, and was about to lay into me with this lightning spell before Alyss was able to call her off. Good thing she did - It looked like she was about to unleash the fires of Badazar... no, Balthazar upon me. Anyway, she left in a huff and Alyss and I were able to get to talking. I introduced myself, explained a bit about who I was, and we parted well.

A few days later, I found her again - though this time the mood was a lot less happy. Remember when I told you the barkeep at the Maiden's Whisper had been letting me rent a room for a reduced rate? Well, he finally found someone to take it for full price and, "with all due respect", I was out of a place to stay. This wouldn't be the first time, of course, but I was really getting used to having a bed I could call my own.

So, it was with a sour taste in my mouth that I was inducted into Alondel... no, Arondel Investigations. I ran into a few friends there, Lynnea - a Sylvari I'd met and introduced to the group as well. We were inducted together, so that was sort of nice. But I needed someone to talk to about this, so I asked Lady Aidan - no, Alyss, if I could have a word. I explained my situation and she did probably the most unexpected thing I could have imagined. She invited me, a street rat, pretty much insignificant as far as the grand scheme of things is concerned, to stay in her home. Honestly, most people would be concerned I'd nick all of the silver before appetizers were served. If I were any more desperate, I probably would have.

I turned her down at first, but she insisted and - what can I say? I'm young, unskilled in any practical way and... let's face it. Free food, warm beds and a full library of books to read? I was sold.

This little postscript is scrawled in at the bottom of the last page of this entry

Alyss said she had an interesting arrangement of people living in her home. She... wasn't kidding. I met a few today, a human named Tamilly and an honest to gods baby Quaggan named Mishoo. I know I'm supposed to be into swashbuckling and wenches, but that Quaggan has to be the most adorable creature I have ever laid eyes on. I've been reading her bedtime stories every chance I get, after all it gets me more access to Alyss's library. There's also a Charr and a Sylvari - those I have yet to meet.

There are also two people that seem like they are going to move in. An Asuran student of Alyss's named... Noxi? Or maybe it was Roxi, I'm not sure. And Lynnea. She's a Sylvari, one who I'm sure you both would have loved to meet. She's got a good heart, but it seems like she still has a lot to learn about the big wide world. I'd like to take a little credit for getting her involved in all of this. I was wandering around Rurikton, and I saw some of the Directors and Executors of Arondel having some sort of meeting. Lynnea was watching, it seemed like she was too intimidated to approach on her own. So, I did sort of force her - dragging her in and introducing her to all of the lords and ladies I'd met. Imagine, me, hobknobbing with nobles? Maybe I'll turn out being distantly related to one of them? Some of them do look sort of Ascalonian...

More later.
